Fostering Emotional Awareness & Mindfulness in the Early Years

What are Emotional Awareness & Mindfulness?

Emotional awareness…the ability to perceive, recognize and understand emotions.

Mindfulness…being aware and conscious of the present moment.

Both emotional awareness and mindfulness provide the base for developing emotional intelligence skills. This interactive course is designed to help the adult implement and practice skills and activities with children to help them recognize, understand and name their emotions empathetically i.e., in a safe non judgmental manner. This course can be implemented by anyone with young children.

This course is ideal for parents, educators and caregivers who wish to introduce emotional and behaviour regulation with children:

  • The course consists of nine (9) lessons. 
  • The lessons can be implemented at your own pace.
  • Lessons 1, 2 & 3 are offered in a two (2) hour online session.
  • Lessons 4 – 9 are offered as video lessons. 

Why is Emotional Awareness & Mindfulness Important?

The purpose of this course is for caregivers to learn skills that support children:

  • Understand their emotions
  • Recognize and validate their emotions without judgement
  • Communicate emotions using words 
  • Recognize their emotional needs 
  • Lay the foundation for emotional resiliency and emotional intelligence

Benefits of Emotional Awareness & Mindfulness:

  • Helps build positive relationships with yourself and others
  • Develop self-control, self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Builds a deep respect for your individuality and uniqueness
  • Respect of one’s individuality and uniqueness
  • Set the foundation for clearer communication and an improved ability to express your feelings
  • Helps you understand the emotions of others, fostering empathy
  • Connects and lifts your spirit

Participants will:

  • Receive an album with complete lessons
  • Each lesson includes:
  • Complete lesson plans
  • Resources
  • Suggested books and songs
  • Extensions the lessons
  • Receive a start-up resource package 
  • Learn how to present the first three lessons during a 2 hour online Zoom session
  • Receive two videos explaining the remaining six lessons
  • Be supported throughout their presentation of the program
  •  Be asked to complete a lesson survey upon completion of each lesson

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this course adults and children will:

  • Recognize and name emotions
  • Build a positive relationship with self and others
  • Develop respect of one’s individuality and uniqueness
  • Move past difficult feelings with grace
  •  Set the foundation for clear communication and expression of feelings

Fees :

$250 CAD

Dates :

Zoom option – contact [email protected]

Course Content:

Lesson 1
Recognizing Emotions

Lesson 2
Responses to Emotions

Lesson 3

Lesson 4
Emotions and Body Responses

Lesson 5
Emotions and Colours

Lesson 6
Emotions and Music

Lesson 7

Lesson 8
Compassion, Empathy, Respect

Lesson 9

Sign Up for a Mindset Course and Transform Your Life!

You can achieve your goals. Changing your mindset and achieving mindfulness invites a world of possibilities into your life. Live life feeling whole and calm, no matter what life brings! We invite you to live life with newfound confidence and direction. Send us a note to learn more about our life coach and mindfulness coaching services.

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