The Aging . Men . Women . Children


How we THINK, FEEL and ACT comes from our subconscious! What’s that? 

Definitely not the tip of the Icerberg! It is what lies under the surface – look how deep it goes!!! And that’s where we function from!


OUR GENETIC MAKE UP which is also part of our subconscious!

Are you reacting and responding achieving no results?
Do you see no change in your situation or circumstances?
Are you constantly disturbed by 'don't feel good' thoughts?

Perhaps it is time to reprogram how We Think, how We Feel and how We Act! 

Let us ‘Educate Our Minds’!

Our emotions, our thoughts, our mind is full of energy. Negative heavy energy can be transformed into positive peaceful energy, that’s how!
We have served a wide range of individuals and found that our tools and strategy works on anyone open to ‘CHANGE’. So the prerequisite to seeing a difference is to ‘Want Change’ and to be ‘Receptive’.
Our Mind is a powerful instrument. Are we utilizing its potential towards a more positive and content mindset and life? Empowering the Mind can help us regain the power within ourselves. We gain clarity become calmer and feel liberated from our own Monkey Mind!

An Empowered Mindset is Possible

You can command your thoughts, instead of letting them run you 

Santosha offers several Mindset Courses that will help you practice mindfulness and achieve inner freedom and clarity. We also provide Mindfulness Courses that will help you build your skills as a professional, parent, or caregiver.

How Can a Mindset Course Help You?

Monkey mind or mind monkey, is a Buddhist term that means:

unsettled . restless . capricious . whimsical . fanciful . inconstant . confused . indecisive . uncontrollable

unsettled restless capricious whimsical fanciful inconstant confused indecisive uncontrollable

Imagine that in your mind is a monkey who interrupts you, controls your thoughts and keeps you from achieving your goals. 
While Monkey Mind can bring benefits, when uncontrolled it can cause havoc in our thoughts! It can be challenging to quiet the ‘Monkey’ or see things through a different lens. The monkey’s constant nagging keeps us distracted from finding long-lasting peace and focus.

How Can You Gain Control Over Your Inner Monkey?

Our Strategy is simple: AIM for Santosha!
A – Airflow and Awareness
I – Intentions
M – Meditative and Mindful Movement
Santosha is to be Content and Complete no matter what! It is a choice you make! See Our Programs!

What our clients say

“Wonderful experience with Ms. Sherins’ workshop on “Finding Inner Balance” at work. I know whatever I learned from this workshop will be beneficial to carry them not just at work but for everyday life.”


(Montessori Projects of Alberta)

“I felt in peace, clear, grateful and happy. Breathing exercise helped me to have inner mind balance and learn how I can have a win-win with the child/teacher.”


(Montessori Projects of Alberta)

“Sherin, thank you for such a beautiful session today. I connected deeply with your teachings on mind set, and the tools and resources you shared were very helpful. I appreciate your energy and the work you are doing to help humanity.”


(Montessori Casa)

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