Almost everyone these days lead a very busy lifestyle leaving hardly any room for self care. However, the stress and scattered mindset then translates into every aspect of ones life. This makes functioning in our daily lives very difficult. It makes us restless and less peaceful – with our mind wandering in different places at once. We cannot live at the moment, in the now.
This can put us in a bad mental and emotional position, leaving us lonely, lethargic, and even depressed. Collectively, all this impacts our families!
Get into a mindfulness practice and experience positive self-growth and serenity in your life – it starts here. Keep reading for five simple tips on fostering a calmer mind.
The only thing that you can control in this life is your REACTION. The rest, you can’t. Accept this reality to achieve a calmer mind.
You can’t just tell your mind to “Remain silent, avoid overthinking, and be peaceful!” It’s not as easy as that – you just can’t.
We’re living in a world full of reasons to feel stressed and life is also unpredictable. Challenges and obstacles are all part of living. They complicate our lives and leave us energy drained, stressed, and anxious.
While it’s natural to worry about tomorrow, your parent’s health, and your siblings’ situation, you have to understand that you cannot control any of these things. Otherwise, you’ll end up disappointed, dismayed, angry, or even more anxious – any of these can lead to a disturbed mind.
Be aware of your emotions, pay attention, and watch for your reaction. It’s the only thing you can control. Do not fixate on negative feelings over matters that you cannot control.
Be conscious of your mind. Accept your emotions and thoughts, but don’t dwell on the negative ones. Practice reframing your thoughts and always remind yourself that…
“Anything bad happening right now is temporary. I feel miserable and stressed, but these feelings will not last. I can get through this tough situation!”
So, whenever you’re going through a rough patch in your life, be mindful of your emotions and thoughts. Don’t let negative thinking take over and finally accept what you cannot control, redirect your thoughts to something positive or something that makes you happy to foster a calmer mind.
Make time for yourself, take a mental break, and regain clarity of purpose in life! One of the best ways to do this is to practice mindfulness exercises.
Wake up with a purpose: Think of why and what you do in the day. Focus on the highlights, on your wins and successes. It will redirect your mind and your will power to align in what your values and purpose in life is.
Gratitude: A simple sentence of gratitude has the power to transform the brain chemicals and release endorphins which makes us relaxed and happy. This in turn will increase the likelihood of your becoming more in control of your actions and words during stressful situations, for instance, you will be more compassionate, kinder, and more mindful.
Set your intentions: You might want to ask yourself what your intention for the day is and how you will be able to make an impact to the lives of other people – even strangers. Ask yourself some questions. Will I be more patient to people? Will I be more compassionate on how I treat myself? Will I eat healthy? Will I have fun?
And for the rest of the day, always check in with yourself. Take a break and reflect to check your intentions and determine if you’re able to keep up.
By living a life with intentions, you’ll experience a life with clarity of thoughts and purpose. Notice how your mood and relationship will shift. .
As your exercise more mindfulness you will be inclined to eat mindfully mindful eating, training you to enjoy, savour, and feel every mouthful of food. Eating mindfully, you’ll gain a richer experience other than just satisfying your cravings or filling you up. Breathe before eating and importantly eat based on your hunger – not on your emotions.
Ever hear of the words, ‘numb in pain’? That’s what happens when we hold resentment. Pain can make us numb. Anger even more! When we’re hurt or wronged by someone, we may feel hurt and angry at once. It’s an understandable human response. But then, holding on to these negative emotions for a long time won’t make us gain clarity and inner peace. It consumes us, it takes much of our energy, and it can make us sick.
In fact, anger can lead to a host of mental and physical symptoms and illnesses. Some of these include sleep problems, depression, stomach aches, poor cardiac health, anxiety, and even chronic illnesses!
Learn how to practice forgiveness in your life. It will not only benefit the receiver of the forgiveness but also you.
Forgiveness can help you heal and lead a life of purpose. You’ll also experience less anxiety because your mind will be calmer and more peaceful.
Forgiveness also fosters self-love and helps you forgive yourself when you’ve done something wrong. Eventually, it will relieve you from your inner pain.
Refine your wellbeing by practicing forgiveness, which can help you lead a more harmonious and peaceful life on all aspects. In the end, you’ll be ready to show compassion and love to the world and YOURSELF.
Self-compassion does more than help anyone recover quickly from setbacks and failures, but it helps them live with a growth mindset.
Growth Mindset: Look for options, solutions and check out the grass on the other side – it can be greener on the other side. Asdevelop this mindset, you’ll learn how to be at peace with yourself, your surroundings, and everything that comes with life. This will lead to a happier and more fulfilling life.
Many times, we’re our worst critic. Whenever we missed a promotion, when we’re not being able to close a large transaction, or when things didn’t go as planned and as expected, we tend to be harsh to ourselves and talk negatively for our shortcomings.
You’re probably thinking that being critical of yourself will help you develop self-awareness or work harder, but it can be the opposite.
Criticizing and speaking harshly to yourself throw your self-esteem out the window. Self-criticism dampens how you perceive yourself, eventually making you feeling less confident in your abilities, talents, and skills.
This puts you in a lonely place and makes your mind restless. And whenever you beat yourself up, you’ll have higher depression and anxiety and recover slower from failures and struggles. In short, lack of self-compassion leads to a less resilient you, and this makes you vulnerable for loneliness and a life full of dissatisfaction.
Be mindful of your emotions and understand that no one is perfect. We all commit mistakes. Speak to yourself in a compassionate, loving manner in the same way you’ll speak with your best friend.
Treat yourself with kindness: This will lead to a calmer mind, a mind that doesn’t judge nor make assumptions. It is an accepting mind, a compassionate one that cheers you up instead of drags your down whenever you experience failure.
So, if you want to foster a calmer mind, learn how to be kind to yourself. After all, charity begins at home. Engage in a positive self-talk whenever your inner critic starts bothering you again.
When you’re stressed, you perceive the world differently. Your vision tends to be foggy, preventing you to see and think clearly.
It’s because excessive stress makes our focus narrow – and it doesn’t allow us to see the bigger picture and the silver lining in a stressful situation.
But when you’re calm, you’ll have a broader focus to see better, feel better, and think better – with clarity. Your attention will become PRESENT and your mind will not wander in several places! What’s even better with practicing calm is you become more of yourself because you are in your elements, your wholeness, and your entire person.
It is because excessive stress puts you in an emotional and mental turmoil that prevents you to experience LIFE itself.
To practice and apply calmness in your life, get into mindfulness meditation training. This practice doesn’t need to be complicated, though, but it is as simple as paying 100% attention to the NOW or present moment – no judgment but with an accepting disposition.
It is not about emptying the mind. It is not also about not stopping thinking. Instead, this meditation is about paying close attention to every single thought, physical sensation, and emotion. It will allow you to notice them and feel them with a more conscious mind – all without judgment and assumption but with acceptance.
You don’t need fancy equipment or spend long hours doing it. In fact, listening to guided meditation on you tube for even 5 minutes can already make a positive impact in your life even if you haven’t tried it before. If all else fails, focus your attention on deep breathing!
All you need to do is to be RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW.
No daydreaming, no dwelling on the past, but just feeling the moment. Meditation trains your mind and your attention. It gives you the tools to foster a calmer mind and to practice compassion to yourself and others.
Step out of your distracted thought. Silence your restless mind by practicing meditation. Incorporate it into your daily activities and you’ll notice profound changes sooner or later, a holistic mind body spirit connection for a ZEN-ful life.
Breathing and Mindful Movement are extremely beneficial to the mind, body and spirit. All these and more you can learn from ourmindset coaching sessions and courses that will help you with transformation from a restless to calm and peaceful mind.
Which among these tips have you been practicing in your life and what results are you getting so far? We’re interested to hear your thoughts. Finally, share this article on social media if you liked it!
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